Do Not Sell My Personal Information / Notice of Right to Opt-Out
You have the right to direct us to not sell your personal information we have collected or will collect at any time (the "right to opt-out). To exercise the right to opt-out, you (or your authorized representative) may complete and submit this form, contact us in one of the following manners:
· Calling us at (714) 744-8361
· Visiting www.cleanroomfilm.com
· E-mailing us as privacy@cleanbags.com
Please be advised Cleanroom Film and Bags (“CFB”) does not, and has not sold any personal information for monetary value in the last 12 (twelve) months, and has no current plans to do so in the future. See CFB Privacy Policy www.clreanroomfilm.com/privacy-policy. However, CFB respects and understands that you may still want to ensure your personal information is not sold. Therefore, if you would still like to proceed with your “do not sell my information” request, we ask that you kindly provide all of the following information:
Please note that all of this information is requested in order for us to confirm your identify and process your request. We may also need to request additional information from you to verify your identify and determine the propriety of your request, before we provide a substantive response.
Please submit this form through our website at www.cleanroomfilm.com/do-not-sell or by emailing a completed copy to privacy@cleanbags.com.